Concrete Septic Tanks

Concrete septic tanks are probably the most common type of septic tank found in areas where septic systems are needed. Every professional septic installer has dealt with the installation of new concrete septic tanks or old ones in disrepair.

Concrete septic tanks can be a good choice or a poor one depending on several elements. If the concrete is of a poor quality (such as insufficient portland cement), they are susceptible to cracking and deterioration over time. While they are usually durable for several decades, these cracks can eventually occur when the septic system hasn't been properly maintained, or even during improper formation of the tank. This is a serious problem as a cracked septic tank will allow waste to leak out and groundwater to seep in.

If you choose a less expensive type of concrete septic tank you must have it inspected manually on a regular basis, or the problem may not be detected until it's too late and serious problems have arisen.

Pre Cast Tanks

On the other hand, you can buy a pre cast concrete septic tank which can be made watertight and is supposed to gradually get stronger over time. This concrete is still heavy duty and easy to install, but does not deteriorate as it ages. Where you must watch to prevent some tanks from collapsing during pumping, pre cast concrete can be safely pumped until it is empty.

Pre cast concrete septic tanks are also environmentally friendly and non-toxic. They are made from natural elements so that the surroundings (such as groundwater) are not contaminated by their presence (unlike some septic tank materials). Many are fitted with plastic filters at the outlets to prevent solids from entering the leach field lines and clogging them. They also will not float to the surface as plastic tanks can.

Concrete septic tanks, like each of the other types, have their pros and cons and can be an ideal choice for your septic system if you are thorough and install only the best quality.